A good example is the best advice. ~ Fuller
If we serve, then life will be more meaningful. ~ John Gardne
in a person still have a sense of shame and fear to do any good, then
the guarantee for the individual is not going to meet it with a step of
progress. ~ Bung Karno
We all live in suspense, from time to time, and from day to day, in other words, we are the heroes of our own story. ~ Mary McCarthy
appear as a charity, often in fact none other than disguised ambition,
which ignored the interests of small to pursue interests is greater. ~ La Roucefoucauld
All that began with anger, will end with a sense of shame. ~ Benjamin Franklin
Hearts full of gratitude, not only is the greatest virtue, but is also the parent of all other virtues. ~ Cicero
People who succeed will benefit from the mistakes he did, and will try again to perform in a different way. ~ Dale Carnegie
The term does not have the time, rarely are the honest reasons, because basically we all have the same 24 hours each day. What needs to be improved is to share time with more care. ~ George Downing
The real threat is not actually on the computer begin to think like humans, but when people start thinking like a computer. ~ Sydney Harris
How to be ahead is to start now. If
you start now, next year you'll know a lot of things that are now
unknown, and you would not know the future if you are waiting. ~ William Feather
In a matter of conscience, thought the former best. In the matter of wisdom, thought last is best. ~ Robert Hall
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can not live long enough to make all the mistakes themselves. ~ Martin Vanbee
Great people in any field is not new work because they are inspired, but they become inspired because they prefer to work. They wasted no time to wait for inspiration. ~ Ernest Newman
Successful people have learned to make themselves do things to be done when it had to be done, whether they like it or not. ~ Aldus Huxley
Most of us do not appreciate what we already have, but we always regret what we have accomplished. ~ Schopenhauer
The most dangerous enemy in this world is timid and indecisive. The most loyal friends, only the courage and firm faith. ~ Andrew Jackson
Something that has not been done, often seem impossible, we just believe we have managed to do well. ~ Evelyn Underhill
Wrong deeds are common to humans, but the deeds to pretend that's actually causing enmity and betrayal. ~ Johann Wolfgang Goethe
If people hold on to belief, then there goes doubts. However, if people have started to hold on to doubt, then there goes the belief. ~ Sir Francis Bacon
Because humans will love him, tersembunyilah him disgrace himself; not seem real to him though. Small in her view, although how much. ~ Jalinus At Thabib
Be strong like a rock that is not broken his hit by the waves. He not only stood firm, even he pacify the anger of the waves and waves of it. ~ Marcus Aurelius
We see happiness is like a rainbow, never be above our own heads, but always on top of other people's heads. ~ Thomas Hardy
porcelain and good name, is something that is easily broken, and
nothing will be pasted back without leaving visible scars. ~ Benjamin Franklin
The hospitality in words creates confidence, hospitality in the thinking of creating peace, hospitality in giving creates love. ~ Lao Tse
Grace often comes to us in the form of pain, loss and disappointment, but if we wait, we soon will see its original form. ~ Joseph Addison
The best part of one's life is good deeds and compassion that is unknown to others. ~ William Wordsworth
We pray that hardship and need something, we should also pray in great joy and sustenance as abundant. ~ Kahlil Gibran
All people do not need to be ashamed of ever make mistakes, as long as he became more thoughtful than ever. ~ Alexander Pope
True friend is he who grabbed your hand and touches your heart. ~ Heather Pryor
Many failures in life because people do not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. ~ Thomas Alva Edison
The absence keyakinanlah that makes people afraid to face challenges, and I believed in myself. ~ Muhammad Ali
Our greatest pride is not never failing, but bounced back every time we fall. ~ Confucius
ye man and the birth of all people laughing happily, but only you
yourself are crying and everyone was crying at the sad death, but you
only own a smile. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
He who created the mosquito is the Essence of the eye that creates the sun. ~ Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Suffering soul directs ugliness. Despair are sources of error, and the darkness of heart, base of the suffering souls. ~ Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
in a society produces tranquility in all community activities that,
while hostile to each other causing the entire activity was stagnant. ~ Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Turning back to turn a nation of religious meaning. Religious life meant the light of life. ~ Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Someone who sees the good in things means having good thoughts. And someone who has a good mind to get the enjoyment of life. ~ Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Knowledge is not enough, then we must practice it. Intention is not enough, then we should do. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Prevention better than treatment. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Wisdom is found only in truth. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Science without religion is lame. ~ Einstein
Peace can not be maintained by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. ~ Einstein
True religion is real life - living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and virtue. ~ Einstein
Two things that aroused my astonishment: bertaburkan sky above the stars and the universe is full of wisdom in it. ~ Einstein
I see in Nature is a great order that we can not understand with a very
thorough, and that it should make someone who always thinks enclosed
feeling of humility. ~ Einstein
It's a little those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts. ~ Einstein
Try not to become a successful man but try to be a useful human being. ~ Einstein
source: http://www.isdaryanto.com/kata-bijak-motivasi
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